Backyard Gardener: Broccoli ideal for the fall gardening’s cooler weather | News, Sports, Jobs - News and Sentinel

2022-08-19 22:06:22 By : Mr. Lance Rowe

Hello Mid-Ohio Valley Farmers and Gardeners! What a beautiful mild week of weather for the middle of August. I stopped by a local farm stand this week loaded with fresh tomatoes and peppers. One of my favorite foods for summer is pasta salad with fresh tomatoes and basil from the garden. Don’t let the summer go by without eating a bacon, lettuce and home grown tomato sandwich.

Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L.) is a great addition for the fall garden. Although former U.S.President George H.W. Bush did not enjoy eating his broccoli, it has become a very popular vegetable in recent history. U.S. per capita consumption of broccoli increased nearly 50% since the 1990s.

It is a nutrient-dense, cool-season vegetable which can be grown throughout West Virginia. Broccoli is in the cole crop family and is botanically related to other popular garden vegetables, such as Brussels sprouts, cabbage, collards, cauliflower, kohlrabi and kale.

Broccoli loves cooler weather, so it grows best when average daily temperatures range from 65 to 75 degrees F. In most regions in the Mountain State it is an excellent fall crop. If planted too late in the spring it will bolt or make a flower head due to the summer heat. However, new heat tolerant varieties allow broccoli to be produced in all but the hottest parts of the season. “Imperial,” “Gypsy” and “Green Magic” are recommended heat tolerant varieties.

Eating broccoli, especially fresh from the garden, has many health benefits. Broccoli is rich in essential vitamins and minerals and a good source of fiber. In addition, a cup of cooked broccoli contains as much vitamin C as an orange, is a good source of beta-carotene and is low in calories. Research has shown broccoli contains sulfur-containing compounds (found in cruciferous vegetables) and other phytonutrients which have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties

Broccoli has been considered a very valuable food by the Italians since the Roman Empire. When first introduced in England in the mid-18th century, broccoli was referred to as “Italian asparagus.” Its English name, broccoli, is derived from the Italian word broccolo, which means “the flowering crest of a cabbage,” and the Latin bracchium meaning arm, branch or shoot.

Many different varieties of broccoli are available for both home garden and commercial production. Broccoli will mature in about 55-70 days depending on the variety. “Green Comet,” “Gypsy” and “Emerald Crown” are some recommended varieties. Good broccoli varieties will have tight buds with a domed head and grow well under temperature stress. For more information on variety selection and tips on growing broccoli check out the WVU Extension Fact Sheet “Growing Broccoli for Beginners.”

Select an area that is fertile and well drained for broccoli. It thrives in sweet soil with a pH around 6.5. Fall broccoli can follow early tomatoes or cucumbers in the garden and mulching with straw or newspaper can help lower soil temperatures and increase soil moisture, which will improve crop growth and yield.

Broccoli is a heavy feeder. If a soil test has not been taken, a general fertilizer recommendation would be to apply 5-10-10 at 3 pounds per 100 square feet before planting. Nitrogen is important for broccoli to yield a high-quality product. Side-dress plants about three to four weeks after transplanting.

Broccoli can be directly seeded, but it is highly recommended to purchase transplants. It may be necessary to purchase seeds of improved variety of your choice. Start seeds about six weeks before setting in the garden. Transplants are recommended to give the best start for spring planting to beat the heat. Be careful to select heat resistant varieties for spring plantings. Fall broccoli crops should be transplanted in mid-July through September.

Many of our cold crops are more suited to fall planting as they thrive in the cooler weather and insect and weed pressure is not as great. Set broccoli plants 12 to 18 inches apart in the row, with single rows 30 to 36 inches apart. Alternatively, the plants can be grown as a twin-row on a raised bed with 4- to 5-foot centers with rows 18 inches apart. When planting broccoli in the summer for fall harvest, transplant in late afternoon to provide a less stressful environment for stand establishment.

A major pest for broccoli are cabbage worms. These insects feed on the leaves and heads of broccoli. The imported cabbage worm is the caterpillar of one of the most common butterflies in the northeast, the cabbage white butterfly. Another type of cabbage worm is the cabbage looper, which resembles an inchworm and is the larva of a mottled gray-brown moth.

Crop rotation is always recommended, but another method of prevention of these pests is excluding them from the garden. Protect plants from egg laying adults by using floating row covers or covering individual plants with fine mesh netting. Picking insects off plants by hand should be effective for small plantings. Make sure to remove any plants at the end of the season. Research suggests cabbage worm eggs may overwinter on debris left in the garden.

Harvest broccoli before the flowers open while the floret is still in a tight green head with about 5 inches of stalk. If the flowers open, it’s too late. When the terminal head of broccoli is removed, additional smaller heads will form as side shoot growth, increasing yield.

Harvest broccoli heads using a sharp knife to limit bruising of the stem and to extend storage life. To reduce the effects of field heat, broccoli should be harvested in early morning and refrigerated. Broccoli will last up to two weeks in breathable plastic bags or containers in the fridge

Broccoli should be cooked as soon as possible after cutting in order to retain the maximum amount of vitamin C and flavor. Split the stem four ways to help it cook more quickly. When cooking, use a small amount of boiling, salted water in a covered pan. Broccoli is also an excellent candidate for steaming, which is the cooking method that best retains the plant’s nutrients.

Contact me at the Wood County WVU Extension Office 304-424-1960 or e-mail me at with questions. Good Luck and Happy Gardening!

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