Watch This Crafter Repurpose Styrofoam Packaging Into Useful Shelf - Home & Garden News

2022-08-12 23:16:13 By : Ms. elaine guo

Have too many glasses and you are not sure what to do with them? We totally get it! And while you could go with hiding them away in a drawer somewhere, this doesn’t always present the best option, especially not when you want to display them, or at least have them more readily available for you when you really need them.

So let’s look at a super cute display you can make yourself using one surprising base - a block of styrofoam!

TikTok creator Sam, who comes from our new favorite channel Shitty Craft Club, is the brilliant creator who saw a piece of discarded styrofoam and decided that she’d take it and turn it into something.

So, grabbing said styrofoam and a bit of paint, Sam goes to town. Their chosen color is bright, slime green (shout out to any 90s Nickelodeon fan who would immediately recognize the shade!) The edges are each paint-dabbed in said green, making it stand out like a sore thumb. In a good way, of course.

A hot pink comes next, and just from painting the very top ‘shelf’, we are certainly feeling the ‘gator’ vibes that Sam points out to us. But, almost sadly, Sam doesn’t stick with just the pink, and instead adds various super bright shades of yellow and blue to each individual shelf area.

The entire display then gets put up on a wall, and we get to enjoy the sight of the brightly colored styrofoam given new life as the perfect display shelf for all of Sam’s glasses. But don’t leave just yet, because Sam has one last surprise at the very end of the video (and we won’t spoil it for you!)